Equipment and fuel reliability are essential to superior business practices.  Long time storage of diesel fuel naturally forms sediments and fuel particles, called sludge.  Water and other fuel contaminants that accumulate over time require fuel polishing, that is, removal of all unwanted additives that lower the quality of fuel.  Left untreated, these intruders can cause engine damage and multiple mechanical failures.
ACE Petroleum has an exclusive, nationwide fuel quality control and oil tank maintenance partnership with Diesel Fuel Doctor, the market leader in maintenance solutions.  The Diesel Fuel Doctor provides maintenance services for fuel tanks and diesel fuel polishing and filtration services.  These services reduce annual diesel maintenance costs, fuel consumption, and emissions.
We recommend customers to submit annual fuel tank samples so that ACE Petroleum can better understand the condition of a client’s fuel.  A fuel sample test reveals the presence of water and/or micro-bacterial contamination that can cause mechanical disruption.  When impurities are present in the fuel sample, we can suggest the remedy for the problem.  Choices to resolve the issue include the following:
  • Fuel additives
  • Biocide treatment
  • Fuel polishing (remove contaminants)